Chosen for our expertise in schemes that combine public sector and commercial funding, Global City Futures is providing programme management and business case development for Exeter organisations joining a new heat network in development for the city.

Our consulting team are working with a number of organisations as they seek to decarbonise their heat supply in support of their climate commitments.   

Heat network background

Exeter Energy Limited are developing the Exeter Energy Network (EEN) to deliver renewable heat from an Energy Centre to buildings in and around Exeter via underground pipes, saving an estimated 13,000 tonnes of carbon emissions a year. This ambitious project includes the largest high temperature Water Source Heat Pumps anywhere in the UK.

The EEN is a Low-to-Zero Carbon scheme that has secured £42.5m in government funding, and is backed by private investment via 1Energy Group and Asper Investment Management.

Businesses and organisations will be able to connect to the EEN once developed, to support the wider decarbonisation of heating, along with many other benefits for the city.

Global City Futures Programme Management services

Global City Futures is providing dedicated programme management services to a collaboration of organisations located in Exeter, effectively coordinating across the institutions and bridging their requirements with the investment programme. 

We ensure that the project progresses in line with milestones, that an audit trail is in place, that work is aligned across the organisations and that workshops are coordinated to engage stakeholders and provide synergies, as well as aligning governance approvals with the investment and grant timescales. 

Elaine Anning, Operations Director leading the consulting team said “We are really pleased to be part of bringing this key decarbonisation project to our home city. It is a long-term infrastructure project that will have multiple benefits for the Exeter economy as well as a significant positive environmental impact, with the potential for becoming a flagship project for the UK.” 

Global City Futures HMT Green Book Business Case Services

Two organisations have further engaged Global City Futures to provide Business Case development for their connection to the Exeter Energy Network.

We are experienced in managing financial risk to the public sector, Better Business Case accredited, we assist in optimising finance and commercial structuring and will support their negotiation with the private sector.

Our team work closely with technical consultants on the scheme to ensure that the outputs provided are translated correctly into the economic appraisal, and to ensure a robust selection of the preferred option for heat decarbonisation. 

This in turn leads to the production of a detailed and effective business case giving confidence to the organisation’s Board, enabling a streamlined approvals process.

Heat networks in the UK

The transition to heat networks forms a major part of the UK’s carbon reduction commitment, as heat for buildings accounts for up to 30% of all UK emissions.  

See our work with East Devon District Council as financial advisors to ​​their project, connecting two existing heat networks with low carbon heat energy generated from a forthcoming Energy from Waste plant.